CCC Board Members

This page is dedicated to posting the duties of the Chase Community Council Board of Directors, relevant addresses and any available templates for use in fulfilling your obligations as a member of the council.

List of Chase Community Council duties

    • Meeting dates and times need to be sent to the borough. Send them to . She generally sends a notice that they are due prior to the due date but they need to be in the first of the year for the upcoming year. See the attached template for an idea of an acceptable form.

    • Meeting notices need to be posted at the PO and library, a radio announcement submitted to KTNA and also contact the web publisher for posting on the web site ( . Several templates are attached at the bottom of the page that can be used to make the task as simple as possible. The bi-laws say 10 days prior but the radio announcement might be better to do no more than a week prior.

    • A meeting agenda needs to be constructed prior to the meeting. This agenda will need to be signed by the chairman or vice chairman and the secretary and sent to the borough with the meeting minutes after the following meeting. It would be good to also send the agenda to the web publisher prior to the meetings so that CCC members can see what is to be discussed at the meeting. See the template attached at the bottom

    • Minutes must be taken for each meeting along with a sign in sheet to record attendees of the meeting. At the next meeting the minutes must be read, seconded and approved. Then signed by the chairman or vice chairman and secretary and sent with the aforementioned agenda to or via mail to Mat- Su Borough; Clerks Office, Deb Wetherhorn; 350E Dahlia Ave.; Palmer, AK 99645 Also sent them to the web publisher for posting on the web site as soon as they are available but prior to the next meeting so the public has access to what was addressed at the current meeting. See the attached template that can be used. The address is also on the template.

    • Tax postcard -990 for CCC 501C-3 status to be done annually. This information is in the Chase file folder under IRS (proprietary filing number etc.) the web address for the post card is Further details need to be obtained from the prior secretary.

    • Bank Account - Treasurers responsibilities. The treasurer writes checks that have been previously approved by the Chase Community Council Board of Directors, balances the check book, makes the deposits to the checking account and keeps a report of the council’s financial condition that is read at the meetings. The banking information needs to be obtained from the prior treasurer. Also new treasurers and appropriate board members need to have their names added to the account and names of past officers that no longer hold office need to be deleted from the account (get details from the prior treasurer).

    • 501-C3 biannual report- Here is the link to the place where you get the form to file our Biennial report: . It says ours is available to submit next on 4/2/16, there is a $25 fee required. This report is an update of Chase Community Council Board members and the current officers of the board and needs to be done to keep our 501C-3 status.

    • Need to check the mail and e-mail and deal with the correspondence. Alert all the board members when necessary for a consensus on what the response should be. Decide if the matter can wait till the next meeting or if a special meeting should be held depending on the urgency of the particular matter. If appropriate send the information to the web publisher for posting on the web site for all to see.

    • There needs to be a nomination committee formed each fall to handle the upcoming January election of new board members. Their responsibilities are first a call for nominations about a couple of months prior to the election this entails at a minimum posting a notice on the library and PO bulletin boards , a KTNA announcement and an announcement posted on the web site (they need to authenticate whether all nominees are current Chase residents). A couple of weeks prior to the election meeting date the committee announces the upcoming election date, time and place along with absentee voting information, and places for absentee voting (library and mail-in). The committee makes up the ballots and distributes them along with the instructions and resident affidavit to the library and send to the web publisher to be posted on the web site for the mail in ballots. The final task of the election committee is to bring ballots to the election meeting, count the ballots (they need to authenticate whether all voter are current Chase residents) and announce who has been elected. The board themselves elects the officers following the announcement of who has been elected. See the numerous following attachments for various templates that may be used.

There are also numerous committees to address various issues such as but not limited to Su Dam committee, comprehensive plan update committee and the revenue sharing committee. These committees will vary depending on issues that arise and information about current committees can be found on the committee page of this web site.

This list of board member responsibilities will change as time goes on. I would appreciate it if current board members keep me updated on new tasks, addresses etc. so I can keep this page up to date for all the new members that will hold office over time. Web Publisher